PedalABikeAway – Mountain Bike Shoot (Part 1)

As you may or may not know mountain biking is one of my favourite past times, downhill riding in particular, although I have been known to do a bit of cross country. Anyhow today I had the opportunity to be on the other side of the lens for a change and so the story begins…

After doing a professional placement at Bexmedia during my degree, I have grown to become good friends with the team; Craig Hellen, director and Harry Croft, the newest recruit. Harry also shares the love of mountain biking and whilst out riding together we thought it would be good to make a proper video whilst we had the opportunity, aside from our ever present GoPro videos.

Today was actually the second day of shooting, as we soon realised we would need a lot more shots if the video was going to be worth while. I must admit it takes a lot of time clambering ourselves, the bikes and the video gear around the woods! Luckily we had extra help and were pleasantly rewarded with extra riders and volunteers; Dave Wells (Rider), Rebecca Smith (Rider), Paul Smith (Rider), Theo Levey, Alex Camper and Aaron Jones to name a few (Sorry if i missed you!).

After a lot of filming and some good riding, I thought it would be good to get a few still images. As I needed to travel light, my Canon 400D, 50mm prime and a single flash gun was all I had to play with.

Below are the results:

As always it was a great evenings riding and filming and I cant wait for the final video to be released.

If your interested here is a link to Bexmedia’s blog post:

And some behind the scenes photo’s from Alex Camper:


Afan Forest – Ebike Adventure