PedalABikeAway – Mountain Bike Shoot (Part 2)
As I stated in my earlier post, PedalABikeAway – Mountain Bike Shoot (Part 1), I have been busy riding and filming for an upcoming mountain bike video. This evening we set out again to get some final shots before the editing and colour grading process begins.
The main aim of the evening was to get a variety of different shots to break up the action shots we had previously captured. Things such as setting up the bikes, long lens riding through the trees as well as a shot of the riders going over one of the big drop offs on ‘The Good the Bad the Ugly’ trail. Having not ridden the drop before I was a little hesitant and decided to get some photos of the others whilst I decided whether or not to try it. Its a looks a lot worse than the photo’s show!
Here is Dave Wells showing us how its done:
However it was only a matter of time until it was my turn, all in all there was nothing to worry about.
Thanks to Paul Smith for the photo:
We finally have all the footage we need so on to the next step of video editing and colour grading.