
Audio Plug-in – AudioMeter

AudioMeter is an audio plug-in made using C++ and the JUCE toolkit.

The plug-in is used to meter an incoming digital audio signal in both mono and stereo and converts it to a dB scale before displaying it on the plug-ins meters.

The center slider was made using a filmstrip image in adobe photoshop and is used a as audio trim control to adjust the output level of the meter.

This plug-in is still under development, the image to the left is from its current stage at the time of writing this post.


Audio Application – Generative Grid

Generative Grid is a generative grid based sequencer made using C++ and the JUCE toolkit.

It was made for the Software Development For Audio module whilst studying BSc(Hons) Audio and Music Technology at the University of the West of England.

The idea was to create a stand alone audio application that allowed the user to add a blocks to the grid, which in turn, would move to the user configurable BPM. Multiple blocks can be added by through object orientated programming as well as the implementation of multiple threads such as a BPM counter, audio and GUI thread. When a block collides or hits the edge of the application it assigns itself a new direction randomly, as well as plays a musical note. Various musical features and settings were added to the right hand side of the application for things such as the gridsize, delay time and BPM control.

Due to education use, the application was based upon the Otomata app which is linked here.


Audio Application – sdaDistortion


sdaDistortion is a MacOSX application made using C++ and the JUCE toolkit.

It was made for the Software Development For Audio module whilst studying BSc(Hons) Audio and Music Technology at the University of the West of England.

The basic design is to select either incoming audio or a pre rendered file and apply distortion to it. You can see from the various images that features such as the wave shape, blending, crossover and equalisation were used to allow the user to fully customise the sound. A master audio meter with gain and wet dry blend was also included.